JAMB Matriculation List 2022/2023 & How to check your name on the portal.
Hello, information on how to know if your name is on the JAMB Matriculation List for Nysc mobilisation is the main reason for this article. In this article we will provide all the steps you must follow to check if your name is on the list.
Having your name on the list will not make you to have any issue going for nysc. If your name is not on the list, then you might not be mobilised to go for Nysc.
How To Make Sure Your Name Is On JAMB Matriculation List 2022
- The first thing to do is to make sure you print out your JAMB Admission letter On JAMB Portal, failure to do this will make your name unavailable on the list.
- Also, print out your UTME Result on JAMB Portal.
- The last thing to do to be qualified is to ensure you verify this two documents with the admission officer in the institution. Though this is not always necessary.
How To Check JAMB Matriculation List For NYSC
- Make sure you visit the joint admission matriculation board Portal here
- Ensure you input the examination year you want to check for.
- Then endeavour to insert your personal Jamb Registration number in the spaces left for that
- Lastly, click on Fetch my details
- Jamb syllabus for all subjects
- Jamb registration form for 2022/2023 Session
- Jamb reprint for 2022/23 Session
Important Notice
It is important that you confirm your name from the matriculation list. Only candidates whose names are on this list are recognised as bonafide students from the various accredited institutions. You must also have met JAMB requirements before you are eligible to added to the list.
By implication, if your name is not on this list, your application to NYSC scheme for the one year National service shall be declined.
In case your name is not on the list, then you have to go through JAMB regularization. This is a way of validating your admission which was not issued by Joint Admission and Matriculation Board. Students in this category are:
- Those without JAMB registration number
- Students who have not been issued admission letter
- Students with a name or course of another institution that is not the same as the institution that issued them admission on their admission letter.
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